Friday, January 28, 2011

Curand, foarte curand...

Am inceput concediul Ieri si azi am facut pregatirile pentru mutat. azi am impachetat camera in care am stat mai bine de un an. Mainde dimineata la 7 mergem si ne mutam mobila in noul apartament. A fost o zi asa de plina. incredibil. am fost la cumparaturi si azi am gatit cu mom toata ziua... eu am asistat la gatit. sausage rolls pentru sambata, brownies pentru desert pentru duminica, fructe pentru salata, heirloom tomaos pentru micii de duminica. bacon si coffee cake pentru duminica dimineata.
si inca nu suntem pe deplin gata pentru musafiri. vor fi multe de cumparat. mai ales mancare... dar abia astept. aventura asta a fost mult asteptata.

Pentru cele doua saptamani cat vor fi ai mei in vizita voi face un site in iWeb. si un film, si cateva albume cu poze... sper sa am energie sa ma gandesc la toate. Vom merge in Santa Cruz, Los Gatos, San Francisco, Hwy 1, Stanford, Valley Fair, cumparaturi la DSW, Target si Gap... Kohl's, si mai stiu eu unde. Vom manca sushi si mancare mexicana, vom gati pizza, paine de casa, salata de ton, pui la cuptor, pot roast, mici si sarmale... totul e o un amalgam de planuri si pregatiri.. si sper sa avem vreme sa ne relaxam si sa respiram liniste si bucurie.

Maine suntem la aeroport pe vremea asta, asteptand imbratisarea revederii. A trecut un an de cand am plecat din Clujul inghetat.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rutina de duminica... plimbari in parc

Sunday afternoon in the park - a beautiful day in January

Ultimul weekend inainte ca familia sa ajunga in california. o zi obisnuita... cu plimbari agale... si odihna. Ianuarie in California minunata! cel putin anul acesta.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A great day

I went to work at 8, just for some training. I was invited to stick around for one more hour t shadow a 1to1 class. All of a sudden I feel extremely appreciated and I feel extra motivation and faith to do more and do it better.
I came back home, after a quick stop at the grocery store, and played with caleb, took a nap, prepared dinner, had a good drink with mom ... and we had so much fun!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I now have health insurance. Today I was corrdially invited to be a full time employee. Honestly, this is all I really cared about when it came to working full time. I am so excited!! Such a great news to start my work day with. Awesome!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Writing on my iPad, on the couch at mom and dad, as we were watching "Shall we dance?"

Here we go. A new year. Half a month into it, but rest assured, i will cover all the main events.  Didn't think i will start one so soon, but at my friend's suggestion, i proceeded to writing this. 

It's january 16, on Sunday, and i went to Ikea with Conrad. We bought a few things for our new place, when we move on the 29th. ...the same day my family is coming to visit. 
It so happened that when we signed the lease my family was going to the interview and it all happened so fast, that they booked their tickets the same day we move. I didn't have the heart to turn them around and i didn't want to change our moving date. 
I have so many things to figure out still. Like setting up the Internet, the pge, electricity, and all the things one has to set up when you first move into a new place...

I had a few nerve wracking days at work. Totally my hormones. Paired up with feeling lost in the growd and unappreciated at work. Or un-rewarded accordingly. i even went and talked to my managers. I will insert a excerpt of my journal to show the trail of my emotions. 

I am o excited for my family to come. I have waited for this season for so long. I have o many places to show to them, and pictures to take, and things to talk about. I managed to take time off. It's all a bit crazy because of our moving date. 

There is more to come...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dry account of my week

Saturday i worked till after 10 pm, taught a workshop where everybody complained that it was cold. I was beyond cold, being there all day. Sunday I woke up at 7 am to go to church, and then to the jh staff meeting, and got home after 3 pm. 
Sunday night didn't sleep well, waiting to hear news about the visa. Mama sent me text after midnight giving me the good news. Monday woke up tired. Worked all day. Got home at 8:30 pm, tired, cold and hungry. No food in the house. 
Tuesday went to work early, cold again. Very sad day. Straight from work i went to the junior high tuesday meeting, where I had to teach by myself. It was fun. Conrad brought me flowers. Got home after 9 pm. 
Today is wednesday and i work a closing shift. Will get home after10:30 pm. I also have to teach the MobileMe workshop. My first of its kind. I am weary about being cold all day again. I am so ready for this week to be over.  Unhappy with work stuff.