Sunday, August 28, 2011

I think of things - Abraham's story and journey

Today, during Shawn’s sermon I wanted to pull my phone up and start writing a note.
He talks about Abraham and his journey of learning to trust God. From the moment e leave Ur, away from his cousin Lot. And he travels, guided by God, along with his wife Sara. And How he worships God along the way. And God takes care of him. And how he reaches Canaan, and worships God there, but the famine came and he goes to Egypt, not led by God but led by his hunger. And then. led by fear, he makes Sara lie, and say she is his Sister so the Faro won’t kill him. But it turns out, God doesn’t like this lie. And instead of punishing Abraham, he punishes the Faro, killing his stock. Then Abraham confesses that he did lie, and Sara, who was made Faro’s wife, now returns to Abraham, so God would not punish the Faro anymore.

God promised Abraham that he will bless the nations through his seed. but he was getting old, and so was his wife. He trusted God, but time was passing. It’s hard to wait on God. So hard. Eventually, the three angels also make it clear that he will have a son, and Sara laughs. Laughs at the though that she, and old lady will have a son.

In the mean time, impatience pushes Sara to make a rash decision, and give his servant to procreate with Abraham. This is how Ishmael is born, the father of Irak Iran, the countries always fighting with Israel, ever since.

When eventually God gives Abraham a son, Isaac, God asks for him as a sacrifice, on the Moria mountain. And Abraham, obeys. He travels 50 miles with his son carrying his wood needed for the sacrifice, just like Jesus carrying his Cross.

As I was listening to Shawn today, it crossed my mind that God sometimes invites us to sacrifice our idols. Before sacrificing his son, Abraham sacrificed his idol in his heart. He was ready to give it up to God, so he didn’t have to lose his son after all.

I am not in the business of guessing Gods plan, even though, at times, I admit, it is tempting. I know him well enough I think, to estimate his next move, to think of what he thinks, and I know very well that this is one arrogant move. I don’t dwell on it.

We have our idols and ideals and hopes, and just like the old saying, you find what you are looking for when you give up looking, because you finally have the time to see rather than squinting at your idea of dream or of a plan.

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