Sunday, April 10, 2011


We all long for an audience. We believe that if someone else will witness our lives, they will be more meaningful. Then why do we long for solitude as well? We often call out time of rest, time to recharge our batteries, to get back on stage with a happy smile. Smiling when you don't feel like it can be quiet draining. Isn't it? 

At the same time, we don't want to dance to someone else's music. We want to be the masters of our fate. We want to feel powerful, we want to wrote our play as we go along and act in it. 

I say I am independent, and I cant care less for other people's opinions, but that's not true. I am quiet receptive to feedback and my surrounding's reactions. I think the trick is to learn to discern between the things that that matter and the opinions that matter. And take action accordingly. We ought to be aware of who we are, and that we are constantly changing, as everything else around us changes. And yet we never adapt our moral and conscience. Unless to make it stand more straight. We need to have a constant in our lives. And how do we determine it? How do we keep it I our sight? How do we hold on to it? Who is our unchanged constant? I say God. I don't believe in god because he gives me this warm Fuzzy feeling when I go to sleep. Or not just for that reason at least. Every day we make choices, every day we live in a tough world that we want to leave our mark in.  And god is always around. Even when nobody's looking. He is our audience. And because of Him our life has meaning. 

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